Haley Wiest, LPC


Haley Wiest LPC relationship counselor in Denver is posing for a portrait in a white tank top with the woods in the background

Haley is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) with a Masters degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Psychotherapy from Northwestern University. She also has a Bachelors degree in Family Studies from Colorado State University.

Haley combines the use of cognitive behavioral therapy for here-and-now skills with psychodynamic therapy, in which the goal is a deeper understanding of one’s self and insight about making choices and taking action.

Additionally Haley incorporates Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and mindfulness practices to help clients learn skills to better manage emotions; see things in a more balanced way and to learn how to be comfortable with and accepting of their feelings.

Haley enjoys working with mothers and daughters interested in improving or deepening their relationships and women in a group setting. She currently has openings in her Women's Process and Support Group.

Haley is passionate about working with women to create more fulfilling and authentic relationships with partners, family and friends.

She helps women seeking to increase the level of intimacy in their important relationships, and women who are dating and managing the often conflicting feelings that can arise in the process.

Haley is especially attuned to clients with self-image, perfectionistic or performance related issues as a former two-time qualifier for the U.S. Olympic Swim Team.

She frequently works with women who want to heal from prior unhealthy patterns or traumatic events that may have led them to feel anxious or depressed. and she specializes in mother-daughter relationships - helping to improve empathy, understanding and communication between mothers and daughters.

Haley's fee is $170 a session for a 50-minute session.

Her group is $75 per 75-minute group.

For 75-minute sessions, Haley’s fee is $245 and for 90 minute sessions the fee is $310.